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Got Morning Sickness? 13 Solutions That Really Work

 Got Morning Sickness? 13 Solutions That Really Work

Up to 90% of women experience morning sickness during their pregnancies, a normal part of being pregnant caused by hormone changes. But while morning sickness is common, you don’t have to live with severe nausea, motion sickness, upset stomach, and frequent vomiting.

See our obstetrics and gynecology experts at Holistic OB/GYN & Midwifery to create a personalized plan that helps you feel better throughout your pregnancy and beyond. 

Causes of morning sickness

Various factors may cause morning sickness during pregnancy, including increases in the pregnancy hormones estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). 

Other contributing factors could include low blood sugar, metabolism changes, and blood pressure fluctuations. Being overtired, stressed, anxious, hot, or smelling or eating certain foods may worsen your symptoms. 

Best ways to relieve morning sickness

Addressing morning sickness not only helps you feel better; it also reduces the risk of vomiting, weight loss, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance during pregnancy. Here are 13 simple ways to fight morning sickness symptoms:

1. Eat bland foods

Bland foods, such as crackers, dry cereal, pretzels, and toast, are easier to keep down and don’t aggravate nausea like other foods can. Snack on these foods when you first wake up and throughout the day. 

Try broth, chicken soup, plain baked potatoes, rice, eggs, applesauce, bananas, watermelon, or other fresh fruits and vegetables. You may also tolerate yogurt, fruit smoothies, and popsicles made with fresh fruit. Avoid smells and foods that worsen nausea, such as spicy and greasy foods.

2. Consume smaller meals

Consuming smaller meals throughout the day helps prevent you from becoming too full or hungry. Eat every few hours and avoid skipping meals. Between meals, consume nutrient-dense foods such as sliced fruit, celery dipped in peanut butter, nuts, seeds, yogurt, popsicles, and cheese, as tolerated. 

3. Drink ginger, red raspberry leaf, or peppermint tea

Ginger, red raspberry leaf, and peppermint teas may have calming effects and help reduce vomiting and nausea caused by pregnancy.

4. Sleep smart

Get enough sleep (aim for 8-10 hours) to stay well-rested, but avoid lying down for a nap right after meals; doing so may aggravate nausea. 

5. Stay cool

Being in hot or warm temperatures can worsen nausea, so stay cool to minimize morning sickness. Use a fan, try a cool-mist humidifier, place a cold washcloth on your forehead, or consume cold foods and drinks like ice water, sandwiches, salads, fresh fruits and vegetables, smoothies, yogurts, or popsicles (avoid those flavored with artificial colors).

6. Take vitamin B6

Researchers found that taking vitamin B6 supplements helps ease vomiting and nausea during pregnancy. Our OB/GYN experts help you determine which dosage is best. 

7. Sniff lemons, oranges, or mint

Studies show that sniffing pleasant smells, such as oranges, lemons, or peppermint mint, can ease nausea, an upset stomach, and vomiting during pregnancy.  Cut up fresh citrus fruit or mint leaves and sniff away!

8. Try natural supplements

Some natural supplements relieve heartburn and morning sickness during pregnancy. Many contain vitamins B12 and B6, ginger, calcium carbonate, or other nausea-reducing ingredients. Ask our Holistic OB/GYN & Midwifery experts which supplements are best suited for you.

9. Consider pregnancy lollipops or drops

Pregnancy lollipops containing ginger, lemon, or other natural flavors may ease nausea. Lemon- and ginger-flavored drops are also available for morning sickness relief. 

10. Try acupressure wristbands

Acupuncture wristbands apply pressure to specific points on your wrist to combat morning sickness and other causes of nausea.

11. Consider acupuncture

Placing tiny needles on specific areas of your skin during acupuncture treatment may ease nausea symptoms caused by pregnancy. Acupuncture also helps alleviate stress and anxiety to combat morning sickness symptoms. 

12. Take vitamin supplements with food

Take prenatal supplements with a snack to avoid nausea caused by certain vitamins and minerals, particularly iron. 

13. Try medications

If other remedies haven’t provided comfort for your morning sickness symptoms, our Holistic OB/GYN & Midwifery specialists may suggest over-the-counter or prescription medications. 

When to call your provider

Contact Holistic OB/GYN & Midwifery if morning sickness has caused you to lose weight, vomit frequently (three or more times daily), or become dehydrated. Signs of dehydration include reduced urine production, dizziness upon standing, dark-colored urine, and infrequent urination. 

Schedule a visit to Holistic OB/GYN & Midwifery today by calling our office or requesting an appointment online.

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