Deciding Whether You Should Have a VBAC

There was a time when vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) was considered impossible. That’s certainly not the case these days. It’s estimated that about 90% of women who’ve had a C-section are candidates for VBAC and that 70% to 80% of women who choose VBAC experience a successful vaginal delivery.
For many women, VBAC fulfills their desire to deliver as naturally as possible. VBAC also offers some health benefits that may surprise you. Regardless of your reasons, deciding on a VBAC requires careful consideration and the right balance of support and expertise from your practitioner.
Paola A. Escobar, MSN, MBA-HCM, CNM, her team of certified nurse midwives and collaborative physicians offer VBAC services through their thriving New Jersey practice, Holistic OB/GYN & Midwifery. Our dedicated health professionals have the experience and skill necessary to help future moms make an informed decision about VBAC.
Why consider VBAC?
VBAC is a personal choice that can offer many advantages over a cesarean delivery. For various social and emotional reasons, many women desire to experience a vaginal delivery as part of their childbirth process.
There are potential health and financial benefits related to vaginal delivery as well, which include:
- Shorter hospital stay and decreased overall expense of childbirth
- Decreased risk of infection, bleeding, and surgical trauma to bowel, urinary, and other abdominal organs
- Faster return to normal activities and fewer physical limitations after delivery
Vaginal delivery is certainly not a painless process, and you need time to heal afterward. However, a C-section requires large surgical incisions that travel through skin, fat, abdominal muscles, and your uterine wall. It takes time for these soft tissue structures to heal.
Lifting, using the stairs, and driving are often prohibited for many weeks following a cesarean. Simply rolling over, sitting up, and getting out of bed can be difficult for a time. For many women, this greatly increases the stress of having a new baby at home.
VBAC also helps reduce the risks of problems associated with multiple C-sections, including issues with uterine scarring that can affect placental health and surgical trauma that may require a hysterectomy.
Who is a good candidate for VBAC?
We complete a thorough physical exam and evaluation of your medical and surgical history before making recommendations about VBAC. We consider the type of incision you had for your previous C-section, the reason for the C-section, the number of babies you’re carrying, and whether you have health conditions that make vaginal delivery a high risk. Plus consultation with one of our collaborative physicians.
What if something goes wrong during VBAC?
Every VBAC starts with a trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC). If successful, your TOLAC ends with a vaginal delivery. If not, we would proceed with a gentle cesarean.
Other than being aware that you’ve had previous C-section, we follow the same safety protocols for any childbirth. Signs of fetal or maternal distress, failure to progress, or any issue that may threaten the health and well-being of mom or baby can lead to an emergency cesarean.
Our deliveries are at Hackensack University Medical Center at Pascack Valley in Westwood, New Jersey or St. Mary’s General Hospital in Passaic, New Jersey. A board-certified collaborative physician Dr. Charles Haddad, MD, FACOG, is available for consultation, high-risk pregnancies, and deliveries. Dr. Haddad is highly valued for his skill in allowing women to birth naturally, and performing gentle cesarean sections should that need arise.
For more information about VBAC and whether it’s right for you, schedule a visit at Holistic OB/GYN & Midwifery. Call the office in Clifton or Passaic, New Jersey, or request an appointment online.
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